2003年3月31日 星期一

I was totally astonished. I should attend ENV1616 tut but nobody was in the tut room!!! ..............................
got change class meh ???
( but i didn't attend ENV lec also lah )
what happen lar .......................... #^)!%($@#%#_)(*)#&$&!(#%#&..............seksilah~
Zyan @ 14:31  0 comments


Zyan @ 10:39  0 comments

That was really crazy...... the time is 7.35am now and I'm going to sleep now ....... erm ............. now only ?! I have been burning midnight oil to .......... learn something about HTML ( dun expect me to study througout the whole night hahahahhahahahaha). I have gone maniac suddenly in this...... try to do some changes for my website and I surprisingly try to understand the HTML language ...... and something more surprisingly happenned -> I do understand something and I have successfully made some minor changes! Oh my gosh ...... I 'm so proud of myself muahahahahahahahhahahhahahahahaha hhahhaahahahahahhaahhahahahahehm!ehm!ehm! cough! cough ! cough ...... cough cough ....... ( laugh too violently untli cough ). Anyway still need some help from Yan to do something better.
I discarded my sleeping time.
I obtained heavenly bliss.
Zyan @ 05:47  0 comments


2003年3月30日 星期日

I had my first personal weblog now ultimately ...... thanx 2 Samson and Yan, hehhehe. Hope that I would plunge myself in Zyan' Niche more often to keep reminding me something glorious of my life : )
故事的開始是......擁有了個人的日記網頁......謝謝Samson和Yan的無心插柳柳成蔭。原諒我的東施效顰哈哈哈哈。真的希望能夠讓自己在這裡多陪伴自己一些﹐提醒自己關於生命的光澤 : )
Zyan @ 22:02  0 comments

(I whispered curiously)
Zyan @ 20:34  0 comments
